Our Vision:
1. Have a "home" where: Groups can meet and study God's word in depth day or evening through Bible studies, discussion, prayer, etc.
a. Easy access location (downtown. . .can walk to)
b. God's Promises provides materials as needed (Bible study workbooks, Bibles, notebooks, pens, etc.)
c. God's Promises provides, food, snack, drinks to participants (healthy foods, participants/children may not be eating at home.)
2. Have a "home" where the community can come to for non-governmental help. God's Promises Mission is to teach others to help themselves by providing short term aid, community connections, life skill classes and self-esteem restoration through Biblical truth and a closer bond with God.
3. Have a "home" where basic needs and supplies can be kept for those in need and an office is located where someone is available to help those persons who are in need of items not kept at God's Promises. (i.e. Furniture, housing, paying bills, job searching and transportation.)
4. Have a "home" where FREE classes are available to the community. Classes will be taught by volunteers who are proficient in their area. Classes may consist of parenting, budgeting, cooking, mechanics, basic house care, job hunting, etc. Classes may be added as needs arise.
5. Have a "home" where volunteer opportunities are readily available for the community to participate in as well as those who are benefitting from God's Promises Services.
a. Blessing bags for the homeless
b. "Former" participants of God's Promises serve "new" God's Promises participants
6. Have a "home" where GOD is the CENTER of EVERYTHING we do!!
Hours of Operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00-3:00